This article covers Counseling And Using (STIPS) Notes.


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Counseling And Using (STIPS) Notes

Counseling And Using (STIPS) Notes

For your initial post to this Counseling And Using (STIPS) Notes discussion, develop a case note about a client session you recently completed. Use the Signs and Symptoms, Topics of Discussion, Interventions, Progress and Plan, and Special Issues (STIPS) format as presented in the Prieto and Scheel’s 2002 article, “Using Case Documentation to Strengthen Counselor Trainees’ Case Conceptualization Skills.” Maintain confidentiality by altering all names or specific identifying information.

Your post and responses are expected to be substantive in nature and to reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your views and writings. Reference your sources using standard APA guidelines.

The client is a 37 year old AA female with anxiety and moderate depression. He name is Lola.

Must use this reference


Prieto, L. R., & Scheel, K. R. (2002). Using Case Documentation to Strengthen Counselor Trainees’ Case Conceptualization Skills. Journal of Counseling & Development80(1), 11. Retrieved from

Counseling And Using (STIPS) Notes

STIPS Case Notes

Can you provide a case note about a client session? Use the STIPS (Signs and Symptoms, Topics of Discussion, Interventions, Progress and Plan, and Special Issues) format. Maintain confidentiality by altering all names or specific identifying information.

Please use theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your views and writings. Reference your sources using standard APA guidelines.
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A format for organizing case notes is presented that could increase counselor trainees’ case conceptualization skills (Prieto & Scheel, 2002). The STIPS format of case note writing consists of 5 major sections, including documenting clients’ current Signs and symptoms, Topics discussed in counseling, counseling Interventions used, clients’ Progress and counselors’ continuing plan for treatment, and finally, any Special issues of importance regarding clients (e.g., suicide ideation). According to Prieto and Scheel, the structure and design of a STIPS format is intended to enhance trainees’ ability to acquire relevant facts about clients, better understand clients’ presenting problems, better monitor counseling processes, and better evaluate and adjust treatment intervention.

Utilizing a cognitive developmental approach, the aim of case notes is to build trainees’ case conceptualization skills in order for supervisors to help trainees recognize, understand, and integrate discrete facts about clients (Scott & Michelle Scott (2007). In addition, counselors are able to identify what additional facts are needed to acquire additional information about clients, and make plans to implement and adjust their counseling intervention. In this process, case documentation and record keeping could serve as a useful tool for the supervisor in accomplishing cognitive-developmental goals for the client.


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Counseling and using (stips) notes
Counseling and using (stips) notes

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Counseling And Using (STIPS) Notes

Counseling And Using (STIPS) Notes

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