This article covers How elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families.


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Discuss how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families

NRS 410 Topic 3 DQ 1 Discussion

Discuss how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families. Discuss the nurseā€™s role in supporting the patientā€™s psychological and emotional needs. Provide an example.

Re: Topic 3 DQ 1
Elimination Complexities: Affects on Patents and Families

The body has many complex structures of elimination, including renal, pancreatic, hepatic, biliary, and gastrointestinal systems (Whitney, 2018). These structures are essential in maintaining health (Whitney, 2018). Therefore, when these structures are not working properly, the physical and emotional impact on both patients and their families can be quite significant. The extent of impact depends on the severity of disfunction as well as what structure is affected. For example, the families of children with end-stage renal disease and chronic kidney disease experience great psychosocial, emotional, and economic stress (Bignoll & Goldstein, 2015). Such a condition impacts caregivers in nearly every aspect of their lives, ā€œresulting in emotional, marital, social, and financial dysfunction, which leaves families feeling disempowered to deliver the complex careā€¦requiredā€ (Bignoll & Goldstein, 2015, para 2). Having a child with a chronic condition such as this increases a parentā€™s risk of depression, joblessness, and marital dysfunction (Bignoll & Goldstein, 2015). Research suggest that many families experience the heavy toll of chronic elimination complexities alone and invisible to their healthcare providers (Bignoll & Goldstein, 2015). The modifications a family must make to support the physical needs of a loved one with a condition effecting elimination are also significant and would impact each person individually.

Additionally, some cultures which guide family values and practices can influence the way elimination complexities are viewed, impacting the patient and family (Whitney, 2018). For example, incontinence is considered a social hygiene issue in accordance with some cultures and therefore is underreported (Whitney, 2018). One can conclude that the stigma placed on individuals with incontinence compounds the emotional and psychological stress felt due to the condition. Not seeking treatment may also cause physical complications to the patient.

Nurseā€™s Role: Support of Psychological and Emotional Needs

Nurses play an important role in supporting patientsā€™ psychological and emotional needs which result from elimination complexities. Supporting the psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual needs of patients helps their transition to independence (Whitney, 2018). Nurses must be compassionate and educated on the complex emotions felt by patients who have lost independence due to dysfunction, such as feelings of demoralization (Whitney, 2018). Respecting privacy and dignity are paramount, and nurses must also respect patientsā€™ right to refuse nursing care (Hughes, 2004).

An example of a nursing intervention which supports patientsā€™ phycological and emotional needs and improves quality of life is to encourage resiliency (Whiney, 2018). Resiliency refers to the ability to uphold mental health despite significant risks or hardship (Stewart & Yuen, 2011, p. 199). Nurses can promote resiliency in many ways, such as by providing support in the acute phase of disease, setting high but achievable goals for independence, establishing boundaries to prevent patients from feeling overwhelmed, and by encouraging therapeutic relationships with others (Whitney, 2018). Resiliency promotes self-esteem, self-care, and adherence to treatment (Stewart & Yuen, 2011). Resiliency also encourages effective coping, social support, and self-efficacy (Stewart & Yuen, 2011). Discuss how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families


Bignoll, R. & Goldstein, S. (2015). Childhood CKD Affects the Entire Family. American Journal of Kidney       Disease. Retrieved from

Hughes, E. (2004). Understanding the care of patients with acute pancreatitis. Nursing Standard, 18(18), 45-52.

Stewart, D. E., & Yuen, T. (2011). A systematic review: Review of resilience in the physically ill. Psychosomatics, 52(3), 199-209.

Whiney, S. (2018). Elimination Complexities. Pathophysiology Clinical Applications for Client Health. Retrieved   from Topic 3 DQ 1
The urinary system goes through normal changes related to aging. These changes include a decrease in the size of the kidney, decreased elasticity or muscle tone in the ureter, bladder and urethra. This can result in a weakening in the urinary sphincter, decreased balder capacity and retention of urine. All of these symptoms can cause stress incontinence, urinary frequency, dribbling of urine, urgency and nocturia.The effects of urinary incontinence are not usually life threatening. However, it can cause physical, mental and financial burdens and effects quality of life. People that experience urinary incontinence often report that they tend to reduce their physical activity. This is dangerous and can lead to other diseases such as osteoporosis, hypertension and heart disease. Emotionally a person with elimination problems carry a burden of shame and embarrassment. There is a financial burden when you factor in the cost of incontinence care such as absorbent products, medication, doctor visits and laundry. One of the leading cause of nursing home admissions are reported to be from urinary incontinence.

Most women suffer with incontinence for an average of 6 years before they talk to their doctor mainly because of embarrassment and misconceptions. We need to talk to our daughters, sisters and mothers about this condition early and often. It is common, but it should not be thought of as normal.

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How elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families.
How elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families.


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How elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families.

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