This article provides a sample solution about Roll a dice Function


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  1. Roll a dice Function  1

import random

allcount = 0

for loopcouter in range(6):   

    count = [0]*5

    for i in range(5):            

        while True:

            dice = random.randint(1,6) 

            count[i] += 1

            if dice == 6:


    allcount += max(count)        

averagecount = allcount // 6

print(“the total number of throws is”, allcount)

print(“the average number of throws is”, averagecount)

# Total face 1

  allcount = sum(max((1 + sum(1 for _ in iter(lambda: randint(1, 6), 6)))

                   for _ in range(1)) for _ in range(6000))

averagecount = allcount // 6000

print(“the total number of total face 1”, allcount)

#Total face 2

allcount = sum(max((1 + sum(1 for _ in iter(lambda: randint(1, 6), 6)))

                   for _ in range(2)) for _ in range(6000))

averagecount = allcount // 6000

print(“the total number of total face 1”, allcount)

#Total face 6

allcount = sum(max((1 + sum(1 for _ in iter(lambda: randint(1, 6), 6)))

                   for _ in range(6)) for _ in range(6000))

averagecount = allcount // 6000

print(“the total number of total face 1”, allcount)

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Roll a dice function
Roll a dice function in python 2

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