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Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript


Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation

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Comprehensive assessment tina jones shadow health transcript, subjective, objective & documentation
Comprehensive assessment tina jones shadow health transcript


All Lines (645)Interview Questions (210)Statements (41)Exam Actions (394)

Your avatarHello, my name is . I will be conducting an interview and later perform a physical exam.Greet
07/22/20 5:37 PM EDT
Tina jonesHey.
Your avatarWhat is your name?Question
07/22/20 5:37 PM EDT
Tina jonesTina Jones.
Your avatarYour date of birth?Question
07/22/20 5:37 PM EDT
Tina jonesFebruary 17th.
Your avatarHow old are you?Question
07/22/20 5:43 PM EDT
Tina jonesI’m 28.
Your avatarWhat brought you into the clinic today?Question
07/22/20 5:43 PM EDT
Tina jonesI came in because I’m required to have a recent physical exam for the health insurance at my new job.
Your avatarDo you have any current health problem?Question
07/22/20 5:44 PM EDT
Tina jonesI don’t have anything specific going on today. I mean, I still have asthma and diabetes, but both of those are under control. I’m taking good care of my health these days.
Your avatarWhat is your new job? Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & DocumentationQuestion
07/22/20 5:44 PM EDT
Tina jonesI’m going to be an Accounting Clerk at Smith, Stevens, Stewart, Silver & Company. I’ll be helping a more experienced accountant with her clients, and then eventually I’ll get more responsibility, and build my own client list. I start in two weeks–I’m really excited!
Your avatarThat is great.Empathize
07/22/20 5:45 PM EDT
Tina jonesThanks.
Your avatarWhen was your last physical exam?Question
07/22/20 5:45 PM EDT
Tina jonesLet’s see . . . I had two doctor’s appointments earlier this year. About five months ago, I came in here for a check-up, and the nurse practitioner got me on metformin. Then a few weeks later I saw a gynecologist for a pap smear.
Your avatarWhat did your gynecologist say?Question
07/22/20 5:45 PM EDT
Tina jonesShe said everything looked good, except that I had PCOS, which the nurse here had said was possible. She started me on birth control, and it seems to be helping things.
Your avatarHow often do you take birth control?Question
07/22/20 5:48 PM EDT
Tina jonesI take it every morning, with breakfast.
Your avatarWhat is the name of the birth control pill you took?Question
07/22/20 5:49 PM EDT
Tina jonesThey’re called Yaz.
Your avatarHas your menstrual cycle improved since taking Yaz?Question
07/22/20 5:50 PM EDT
Tina jonesNow that I’m on the pill I’m getting my period every month.
Your avatarThat is great. I am glad you are having your period every month.Empathize
07/22/20 5:50 PM EDT
Tina jonesThanks.
Your avatarHow long have you had asthma.Question
07/22/20 5:51 PM EDT
Tina jonesI’ve had asthma a long time. . . since I was really little.
Your avatarWhat age were you diagnosed with asthma?Question
07/22/20 5:51 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy doctor told me when I was pretty little… I think I was about two and a half? I used to have a lot of trouble with asthma attacks back then.
Your avatarI am sorry about the experience.Empathize
07/22/20 5:52 PM EDT
Tina jonesThanks.
Your avatarHow do you manage your asthma?Question
07/22/20 5:52 PM EDT
Tina jonesI try to avoid things that give me breathing problems, but when my asthma starts to act up, I just use my inhaler.
Your avatarWhat are your triggers for asthma?Question
07/22/20 5:53 PM EDT
Tina jonesBeing around cats is the worst, but dust and running up stairs can make my breathing bad, too. I haven’t had a full asthma attack in years, though.
Your avatarIt is important to stay away from triggers.Educate
07/22/20 5:54 PM EDT
Tina jonesThanks for telling me.
Your avatarWhat happens when you are around dust?Question
07/22/20 5:54 PM EDT
Tina jonesI used to have a reaction when I was in a dusty house for a long time. . . I would get allergies, like sneezing and stuff, and then my asthma would act up. But that hasn’t happened since I got my daily inhaler.
Your avatarWhat inhaler do you use?Question
07/22/20 5:59 PM EDT
Tina jonesThe daily inhaler is Flovent, and the rescue inhaler is Proventil.
Your avatarHow often do you use flovent?Question
07/22/20 6:00 PM EDT
Tina jonesTwice a day.
Your avatarWhen did you most recently use the flovent inhaler?Question
07/22/20 6:01 PM EDT
Tina jonesI use my Flovent inhaler two times a day.
Your avatarWhen did you last use your inhaler?Question
07/22/20 6:03 PM EDT
Tina jonesI used my Flovent inhaler this morning–I have to take it twice a day. My albuterol. . . I’ve maybe used it twice since I came in with those asthma problems. Once three months ago, and before that it had been months, too.
Your avatarHow much Albuterol do you use?Question
I have a few friends I’ve known since middle or high school, and we’re all pretty close. Plus I have my friends from church.
Your avatarWhat is your relationship like with your family?Question
07/22/20 7:39 PM EDT
Tina jonesThings are pretty good between all of us–we’re a tight knit family. I think we’re pretty special, the way we all get along.
Your avatarThat is great.Empathize
07/22/20 7:39 PM EDT
Tina jonesThanks.
Your avatarAre you involved in church?Question
07/22/20 7:39 PM EDT
Tina jonesYeah. We go to First Baptist, and we do a lot with our church community. We socialize before and after church, and I go to Bible study on Wednesdays, too.
Your avatarAre you feeling stressed?Question
07/22/20 7:40 PM EDT
Tina jonesI’m actually feeling really good lately. . . not stressed at all.
Your avatarHow do you cope with stress?Question
07/22/20 7:40 PM EDT
Tina jonesI’ve realized that I got kind of overwhelmed with everything back when I was having those sleep problems. Just coming in and talking to someone here about it helped a little because I felt like I was doing something. So I’ve been trying to address problems as they come when I can, and that helps. That, plus the stuff I’ve always done–going to church, especially–is all working well for me.
Your avatarThat is good to hear.Empathize
07/22/20 7:40 PM EDT
Tina jonesThanks.
Your avatarAre you feeling depressed?Question
07/22/20 7:41 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, I’m actually feeling really good these days.
Your avatarHow do you feel about your life?Question
07/22/20 7:41 PM EDT
Tina jonesWell, I’m starting my new job in two weeks, and I’m really excited about that. I’m going to be an Accounting Clerk at this really nice accounting firm. I’m hoping I’ll learn a lot in that position, and within a couple years, I’ll get promoted and be given new responsibilities. I just always want to be learning new things and getting better at my job.
Your avatarAre you feeling anxious?Question
07/22/20 7:41 PM EDT
Tina jonesI guess I had anxiety back when I was having those sleep problems. . . I’ve been feeling much better lately, though.
Your avatarDo you have sleeping problems?Question
07/22/20 7:42 PM EDT
Tina jonesI’m sleeping a lot better now, which is a relief.
Your avatarGood to hear.Empathize
07/22/20 7:42 PM EDT
Tina jonesThanks.
Your avatarHow many hours are you sleeping a night?Question
07/22/20 7:42 PM EDT
Tina jonesI’m usually asleep by 11:30, and I wake up at 8, so. . . about 8 or 9 hours a night.
Your avatarThat is great.Empathize
07/22/20 7:42 PM EDT
Tina jonesThanks.
Your avatarHave you ever smoked tobacco?Question
07/22/20 7:43 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo. I think it’s gross.
Your avatarHave you ever used cocaine?Question
07/22/20 7:43 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo way, I have no interest in that. That stuff can mess you up.
Your avatarHave you ever used heroin?Question
07/22/20 7:49 PM EDT
Tina jonesUh, no.
Your avatarHave you ever used illegal drugs?Question
07/23/20 3:17 PM EDT
Tina jonesWell, I used to smoke pot. . . but I don’t do that anymore.
Your avatarWhat was the last time you smoked pot?Question
07/23/20 3:17 PM EDT
Tina jonesI haven’t smoked pot since I was twenty or twenty-one.
Your avatarDo you have any family history of mental illness?Question
07/23/20 3:18 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo. They’re crazy, but nobody’s diagnosed with anything.
Your avatarHave you had suicidal thoughts?Question
07/23/20 3:19 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, I’ve never done that.
Your avatarAny new family medical history report?Question
07/23/20 3:20 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy mom has some issues, and I think some of my grandparents did, too.
Your avatarHow old is your mom?Question
07/23/20 3:21 PM EDT
Tina jonesMom is 50.
Your avatarWhat medical problems does your mum have?Question
07/23/20 3:21 PM EDT
Tina jonesMom has high cholesterol and blood pressure, I think. She seems to be doing okay though.
Your avatarWhat medical problems did your father have?Question
07/23/20 3:22 PM EDT
Tina jonesHe had high blood pressure and cholesterol, and diabetes too…the same kind as me.
Your avatarHow old is your brother?Question
07/23/20 3:24 PM EDT
Tina jonesHe’s almost 27.
Your avatarDoes he have any medical issue? (Clarified to Does your younger sister have health problems?.)Question
07/23/20 3:25 PM EDT
Tina jonesShe’s pretty healthy. She has asthma too, but she almost never has attacks. (Clarified to if my younger sister has health problems.)
Your avatarDoes your bother have health issues? (Clarified to Does your brother have medical problems?.)Question
07/23/20 3:25 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, I don’t think so. He’s a little big, maybe. (Clarified to if my brother has health issues.)
Your avatarHow old is your maternal grandmother?Question
07/23/20 3:26 PM EDT
Tina jonesNana was 73 when she died of a stroke about five years ago. I think she had high blood pressure and cholesterol, too.
Your avatarHow old is your maternal grandfather?Question
07/23/20 3:27 PM EDT
Tina jonesPoppa died of a heart attack when he was 80. . . he had some blood pressure and cholesterol issues when he was alive, too.
Your avatarAny medical history for your paternal grandmother?Question
07/23/20 3:30 PM EDT
Tina jonesShe takes some blood pressure pills, and I think she has high cholesterol, but Granny’s doing great for 82.
Your avatarDoes your dad’s father have health issues?Question
07/23/20 3:30 PM EDT
Tina jonesGrandpa Jones had colon cancer, and that caused all kinds of problems for him. Plus, he had high blood pressure, and…I’m pretty sure he had diabetes.
Your avatarHave you had any recent illness?Question
07/23/20 3:31 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo. . . the last time I was sick was when I was having those heartburn problems a while ago.
Your avatarAny fever?Question
07/23/20 3:32 PM EDT
Tina jonesI haven’t had a fever.
Your avatarAny chills?Question
07/23/20 3:32 PM EDT
Tina jonesNope, no chills.
Your avatarAny acne?Question
07/23/20 3:32 PM EDT
Tina jonesI took something for my acne. . . tetracycline, I think, back in high school. Since then I’ve just washed my face, I haven’t used anything special. But my zits have gotten better, and I think it’s because I’m on birth control now.
Your avatarHas your body hair improved?Question
07/23/20 3:32 PM EDT
Tina jonesI think I have a little less body hair than I used to.
Your avatarDo your eyes feel itchy?Question
07/23/20 3:33 PM EDT
Tina jonesThey haven’t been itchy lately at all.
Your avatarAre you having any redness in your eyes?Question
07/23/20 3:33 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy eyes haven’t been red lately. . . not since I came in with those allergies a while ago.
Your avatarAre your eyes dry?Question
07/23/20 3:34 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy eyes don’t feel dry.
Your avatarDo you have any pain in your eyes?Question
07/23/20 3:34 PM EDT
Tina jonesI haven’t had any eye problems lately–I went to the eye doctor a few months ago and got these glasses, and she checked everything out and said it looked good.
Your avatarAre you having any ear problems?Question
07/23/20 3:34 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy ears feel fine.
Your avatarAny changes in your hearing?Question
07/23/20 3:36 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy hearing is good.
Your avatarAny ear pain?Question
07/23/20 3:36 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy ears feel fine.
Your avatarEar drainage? (Clarified to Do you have drainage from your ears?.)Question
07/23/20 3:36 PM EDT
Tina jonesNothing is coming out of my ears. (Clarified to if I have ear drainage.)
Your avatarAny changes in your sense of smell?Question
07/23/20 3:46 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo.
Your avatarAny nose bleeds?Question
07/23/20 3:47 PM EDT
Tina jonesNope, my nose isn’t bleeding at all.
Your avatarAny sinus pressure?Question
07/23/20 3:47 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy sinuses have been fine.
Your avatarHas your sense of taste changed?Question
07/23/20 3:47 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, I think my sense of taste is fine.
Your avatarAre you having dry mouth?Question
07/23/20 3:48 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy mouth hasn’t been dry.
Your avatarANY pain in your mouth?Question
07/23/20 3:48 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, my mouth feels fine.
Your avatarANY sore throat?Question
07/23/20 3:49 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, it’s fine.
Your avatarAny issue with your gums?Question
07/23/20 3:49 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy gums have been fine.
Your avatarAny issue with your tongue?Question
07/23/20 3:49 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy tongue feels fine.
Your avatarAny difficulties when swallowing?Question
07/23/20 3:50 PM EDT
Tina jonesI can swallow fine.
Your avatarSORE throat?Question
07/23/20 3:50 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, it’s fine.
Your avatarAny voice changes?Question
07/23/20 3:50 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy voice has been fine.
Your avatarAny swollen lymph nodes?Question
07/23/20 3:52 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy lymph nodes seem fine.
Your avatarAre you having any nausea?Question
07/23/20 3:52 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, I haven’t been nauseous at all.
Your avatarAny vomiting?Question
07/23/20 3:53 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo.
Your avatarANY pain in the abdomen?Question
07/23/20 3:53 PM EDT
Tina jonesI haven’t really had any stomach problems since I came in with them a while ago.
Your avatarAny constipation?Question
07/23/20 3:53 PM EDT
Tina jonesI don’t have that problem.
Your avatarAny diarrhea?Question
07/23/20 3:54 PM EDT
Tina jonesI haven’t had any problems with diarrhea.
Your avatarExcessive flatulence?Question
07/23/20 3:54 PM EDT
Tina jonesI haven’t been having any gas lately. I had a little when I first started metformin, but I found out I could eat yogurt to help it, and it seems to have worked.
Your avatarflatulence is one of the side effect of metforminEducate
07/23/20 3:55 PM EDT
Tina jonesThanks for telling me.
Your avatarAny food intoleranceQuestion
07/23/20 3:56 PM EDT
Tina jonesI can eat just about anything.
Your avatarAny burning sensation when you urinate?Question
07/23/20 3:56 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, it doesn’t burn when I pee.
Your avatarAny blood in your urine?Question
07/23/20 3:57 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo! That doesn’t sound like it would be good.
Your avatarAre you having any pain right now?Question
07/23/20 3:57 PM EDT
Tina jonesI don’t have any pain anywhere.
Your avatarAny vaginal discharge?Question
07/23/20 3:58 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy discharge is normal, I think. . . I have a little, and it’s kind of clear, sometimes white-ish.
Your avatarAny vaginal itching?Question
07/23/20 3:58 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, it feels normal.
Your avatarDo you have any problem with your breasts?Question
07/23/20 3:59 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, my breasts feel fine.
Your avatarAny pain in the breasts?Question
07/23/20 3:59 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, my breasts feel fine.
Your avatarAre you having any dizziness/Question
07/23/20 3:59 PM EDT
Tina jonesI haven’t been getting dizzy at all.
Your avatarAny lightheadedness?Question
07/23/20 4:00 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, I don’t really get lightheaded.
Your avatarAny tingling?Question
07/23/20 4:00 PM EDT
Tina jonesNope, no tingling.
Your avatarAny loss of balance?Question
07/23/20 4:00 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy balance is fine.
Your avatarAny changes in sensation?Question
07/23/20 4:00 PM EDT
Tina jonesI haven’t noticed any changes.
Your avatarAny seizures?Question
07/23/20 4:01 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, I’ve still never had problems with seizures, fortunately.
Your avatarDo you have memory problems?Question
07/23/20 4:01 PM EDT
Tina jonesI think my memory has been fine.
Your avatarAny muscle pain?Question
07/23/20 4:01 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy muscles have felt great, especially since I started exercising more.
Your avatarJoint pain?Question
07/23/20 4:02 PM EDT
Tina jonesMy joints always seem fine.
Your avatarAny muscle weakness?Question
07/23/20 4:02 PM EDT
Tina jonesNo, I haven’t felt weak at all.
Your avatarAny swelling?Question
07/23/20 4:03 PM EDT
Tina jonesNothing is swollen.
Your avatar Performed pulse oximetryExam Action
07/24/20 10:01 AM EDT
Your avatar Performed spirometryExam Action
07/24/20 10:01 AM EDT
Your avatar Inspected scalpExam Action
07/24/20 10:01 AM EDT
Your avatar Inspected scalpExam Action
07/24/20 10:01 AM EDT
Your avatar Inspected hair on scalpExam Action
07/24/20 10:01 AM EDT
Your avatar Inspected scalpExam Action
07/24/20 10:01 AM EDT
Your avatar Inspected right eyebrow and orbital areaExam Action
07/24/20 10:02 AM EDT
Your avatar Inspected left eyebrow and orbital areaExam Action
07/24/20 10:02 AM EDT
Your avatar Inspected mouth: Oral mucosa moist. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & DocumentationExam Action
07/24/20 10:02 AM EDT
comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript

comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript – Subjective Data Collection: 50 of 50 (100.0%)

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Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient.

comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript – Patient Data

Not Scored

A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following details are facts of the patient’s case.

Current Health Status

comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript – Objective Data Collection: 70 of 73 (95.9%)

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Experts selected these examinations as essential components of objective data collection for this patient.

Patient Data

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Thorough examinations will yield better patient data. The following actions reveal the objective data of the patient’s case. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation



Documentation / Electronic Health Record


Student DocumentationModel Documentation
128/82 mm Hg (97.3 MAP) HR 78 SpO2 99% RR 15 Temperature 37.2 c Weight 84 kgs• Height: 170 cm • Weight: 84 kg • BMI: 29.0 • Blood Glucose: 100 • RR: 15 • HR: 78 • BP:128 / 82 • Pulse Ox: 99% • Temperature: 99.0 F

Health History

Student DocumentationModel Documentation
Identifying Data & ReliabilityThe patient is a 28-year-old female who presented for a pre-employment physical exam. She provided the health information freely during the interview. Ms. Jones’ speech is clear and coherentMs. Jones is a pleasant, 28-year-old African American single woman who presents for a pre-employment physical. She is the primary source of the history. Ms. Jones offers information freely and without contradiction. Speech is clear and coherent. She maintains eye contact throughout the interview.
General SurveyMs. Jones appears alert and oritented She is appropriately dressed She appears to be in good healthMs. Jones is alert and oriented, seated upright on the examination table, and is in no apparent distress. She is well-nourished, well-developed, and dressed appropriately with good hygiene.
Reason for VisitMs. Jones visited to have a physical exam for the health insurance at her new workplae“I came in because I’m required to have a recent physical exam for the health insurance at my new job.”
History of Present IllnessMs. Jones reported that she recently got a job at a new place and she is required to obtain a physical examination. She does not have any acute cincerns She was diagnosed with PCOS and oral contraceptives were prescribed She had type 2 diabetes and asthma She reports positive lifestyle modificationsMs. Jones reports that she recently obtained employment at Smith, Stevens, Stewart, Silver & Company. She needs to obtain a pre-employment physical prior to initiating employment. Today she denies any acute concerns. Her last healthcare visit was 4 months ago, when she received her annual gynecological exam at Shadow Health General Clinic. Ms. Jones states that the gynecologist diagnosed her with polycystic ovarian syndrome and prescribed oral contraceptives at that visit, which she is tolerating well. She has type 2 diabetes, which she is controlling with diet, exercise, and metformin, which she just started 5 months ago. She has no medication side effects at this time. She states that she feels healthy, is taking better care of herself than in the past, and is looking forward to beginning the new job.
MedicationsMetformin 850 PO BID Flovent 2 puffs 88 mcg/spray BID Albuterol 90 mcg/spray MDI 2 puffs Q4H Drospirenone PO QD• Fluticasone propionate, 110 mcg 2 puffs BID (last use: this morning) • Metformin, 850 mg PO BID (last use: this morning) • Drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol PO QD (last use: this morning) • Albuterol 90 mcg/spray MDI 2 puffs Q4H prn (last use: three months ago) • Acetaminophen 500-1000 mg PO prn (headaches) • Ibuprofen 600 mg PO TID prn (menstrual cramps: last taken 6 weeks ago)
AllergiesAllergic to cats and dust Allergiic to penicillin Denies any food or latex allergy• Penicillin: rash • Denies food and latex allergies • Allergic to cats and dust. When she is exposed to allergens she states that she has runny nose, itchy and swollen eyes, and increased asthma symptoms.
Medical HistoryDiagnosed with asthma at 2 1/2 years DIagnosed with diabetes at age 24 years Last asthma exacerbation 3 months ago Diagnosed with PCOS four months ago and take Yaz Has a history of hypertension Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & DocumentationAsthma diagnosed at age 2 1/2. She uses her albuterol inhaler when she is around cats. Her last asthma exacerbation was three months ago, which she resolved with her inhaler. She was last hospitalized for asthma in high school. Never intubated. Type 2 diabetes, diagnosed at age 24. She began metformin 5 months ago and initially had some gastrointestinal side effects which have since dissipated. She monitors her blood sugar once daily in the morning with average readings being around 90. She has a history of hypertension which normalized when she initiated diet and exercise. No surgeries. OB/GYN: Menarche, age 11. First sexual encounter at age 18, sex with men, identifies as heterosexual. Never pregnant. Last menstrual period 2 weeks ago. Diagnosed with PCOS four months ago. For the past four months (after initiating Yaz) cycles regular (every 4 weeks) with moderate bleeding lasting 5 days. Has new male relationship, sexual contact not initiated. She plans to use condoms with sexual activity. Tested negative for HIV/AIDS and STIs four months ago.


Student DocumentationModel Documentation
SubjectiveDenies any dizinness, ligh-headedness, loss of sensation, tingling, numbness Denies any seizures or sense of disequilibriumReports no dizziness, light-headedness, tingling, loss of coordination or sensation, seizures, or sense of disequilibrium.
ObjectiveNormal graphesthesia, stereognosis and rapid alternating movements bilaterallly Tests of cerebellar function normal DRTs and equal bilaterally in upper and lower extremities Reduced sensation to monofilament in bilateral plantar surfacesNormal graphesthesia, stereognosis, and rapid alternating movements bilaterally. Tests of cerebellar function normal. DTRs 2+ and equal bilaterally in upper and lower extremities. Decreased sensation to monofilament in bilateral plantar surfaces.

Skin, Hair & Nails

Student DocumentationModel Documentation
SubjectiveReports imporved acne due to use of oral contraceptives Facial and body hair imporved Denies any nail or hair changesReports improved acne due to oral contraceptives. Skin on neck has stopped darkening and facial and body hair has improved. She reports a few moles but no other hair or nail changes.
ObjectiveScattered pustules on face Facial hair on upper lip Acanthos nigricans on posterior neck Nails free of any abnormalities or ridgesScattered pustules on face and facial hair on upper lip, acanthosis nigricans on posterior neck. Nails free of ridges or abnormalities. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation

