Directions: Develop a 18-20 slide mock PowerPoint Presentation.
Things to consider:
Make sure that you review the handouts I have provided you about developing the PowerPoint presentations.
Remember to use
1) an appropriate font style and size;
2) use bullets not complete sentences, unless you are incorporating a direct short quote;
3) select a PowerPoint template that is appealing and legible;
4) incorporate imagesthat are appropriate and from legitimate sites/sources;
5) remember to document your sources for quotes, etc. in the body of the PowerPoint;
6) list your citations using MLA formatting rules on the Works Cited page; and lastly,
7) be creative and develop your own style,
8) each group member must upload the same version of the PowerPoint Quiz.
Your PowerPoint presentation must include the following slides:
1- Title Page slide
2- Introductory slides
3- Main point slides
3- Supporting slides
3- Transitional slides
5- Slides with images and text
1- Any Questions slide
1 or 2- Works Cited slides (with at least 5 citations- MLA, text, lecture, web, images)
Student Group Contract
Working with classmates can be both challenging and rewarding. To help your small group succeed, please complete both sides of this contract at your first meeting. A significant aspect to the learning experience of working collaboratively is to resolve differences among yourselves. Remember: Itâs your responsibility to communicate directly with the instructor if your group continues to struggle for any reason.
As with any group, a few common courtesies are required. These include but are not limited to: 1) being on time for meetings; 2) completing your share of the work by the agreed-upon deadlines; and 3) staying in touch regularly with your group and the instructor. A copy of this completed contract should be uploaded as a file attachment when the group assignment is due. The contract components should be the same for each group member
Communication within the group
· Our group agrees to use the following method for our regular communication:
ï±email ï±Canvas ï±Online ï±Wiki ï±Facebook group ï±Texting ï±Telephone
ï±Face-to-Face (define location) ï±Other (clearly define) __________________________
Group deadlines
· Our group has defined the following deadlines for this assignment:
· Task One _______________ Member Name(s) _______________ Due date ______
· Task Two _______________ Member Name(s) _______________ Due date ______
· Task Three _______________ Member Name(s) _______________ Due date ______
· Task Four _______________ Member Name(s) _______________ Due date ______
· Task Five _______________ Member Name(s) _______________ Due date ______
Individual roles within the group (distribute the tasks evenly)
· Record keeper _______________
· Who was present at meeting/online discussions?
· What did each person do?
· What progress was made?
· What problems arose, and what did the group do to address them?
· What does the group need from the instructor?
· Assignment submitter _______________ _______________ (This member of our group will be responsible for submitting our assignment segments/final, and responding to questions from the instructor that are posed to the group)
· Meeting convener ______________ (This member sets the meeting time/place and prepares agenda for focusing the discussion) â synchronously or asynchronously â either format requires deadlines
I agree with and will honor the conditions that weâve established together in this group contract:
Print Name
1________________ 2_______________ 3_______________ 4_______________ 5________________
1________________ 2_______________ 3_______________ 4_______________ 5________________
How groups go astray
· Discuss these issues in your first meeting and brainstorm solutions)
· Communication breakdowns (with each other â with instructor)
· Potential solution ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
· Missed deadlines
· Potential solution ________________________________________________________
· Complexity of the assignment
· Potential solution ________________________________________________________
· Individual preferences towards group or individual work
· Potential solution ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
· Instructions not clear
· Potential solution ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
· Individual not contributing their share
· Potential solution ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
· Individual(s) dominating the group
· Potential solution ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
· Absence â health, tragedy, apathy
· Potential solution ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
· Cultural differences (shyness, language issues, protocols)
· Potential solution ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
· Inertia â just getting started
· Potential solution ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
Modified with permission from a document from Humboldt State Universityâs Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching, 2010; Kimberly Vincent-Layton, MBA
Raterâs (Your) Name: __________________________________________ Date of Submission_____________
Upload this Sheet the same time the Group Assignment is due, but before the posted due date.
Please rate yourself as well as the other members of your group. As the rater, insert your name in the first column, and your team members in the remaining columns. As the rater, also insert your name above. Blanks or incomplete form cost you in points.
GROUP MEMBERS: ________________________________________________________________________________
1 â 5 Rating, with 5 being highest and best best | Your Full Name
(Insert Points Below) |
Team Member
(Insert Points Below) |
Member (Insert Points Below) |
Member (Insert Points Below) |
Member (Insert Points Below) |
Team Member
(Insert Points Below) |
Membersâ Names | ||||||
REQUIREMENTS (Use numbers, not words) | ||||||
1. Individual returned (circle one) (5) all, (4) most, (3) some, (2) few, (1) none of the phone calls, email messages, & texts regarding meeting or working on the speeches (1-5 pts available) | ||||||
2. Individual attended (circle one) (5) all, (4) most, (3) some, (2) few, (1) none of the meetings scheduled for the group (1-5 pts available) | ||||||
3. Individual took (circle one) (5) very active, (4) active, (3) semi-active, (2) minimalâactive, or (1) no involvement in planning & developing the speeches (1-5 pts available) | ||||||
4. Individual did his or her (circle one) (5) above and beyond,(4) full, (3) partial, (1) less than share of the work to do the project (1-5 pts available) | ||||||
Comments (Required):(Please write in complete sentences and be thoughtful). |
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