There are four unique characteristics that define the genus Homo.
The four unique characteristics that define the genus Homo are: an upright bipedal stance, an opposable thumb, an enlarged brain case, and the capacity for complex speech communication.
Come to Seminar prepared to discuss the following:
- What are the unique characteristics of the genus Homo ?
- What are the benefits and costs of being able to walk?
- What are the benefits of opposable thumbs?
- What are the benefits and costs of a larger brain?
- What are the benefits of complex speech?
- How has each of these unique characteristics contributed to the survival of Homo sapiens ?
- What would be some disadvantages to our species if we had not developed these characteristics?
- What are some disadvantages to us for having these characteristics?
- Why do Homo sapiens have wisdom teeth?
- Why do Homo sapiens get goosebumps?
- Why do Homo sapiens have large whites of the eyes? What is the advantage?
Prepare an essay addressing the different questions listed above (in the synchronous Seminar section). The essay must be at least 400 words and written in your own words with citations, if appropriate.