Assignment #1: Professional Narrative – Practice as the Basis of Nursing Knowledge


1. Write a narrative (story) about a specific experience in your role as a nurse . The experience should be meaningful to you. The best advice for identifying what you should write about is to pay attention to what first comes to mind. Experiences can be between nurse and patient, nurse and nurse, nurse and administration etc.

You have remembered that experience for a reason. Include the setting, the event, the players, and the stakeholders in the experience. The narrative should be at least 1 page (but not more than 3) to adequately include the details.

2. Analyze your narrative. To write your analysis, discuss your narrative’s relational/ ​social, ethical, and systemic dimensions, as you see them.

3. Describe the key “concepts” in your narrative (what is your story “about?”).

4. ​Find a scholarly journal article that seems pertinent to YOUR OWN narrative. Attach the article. Cite article title, author, and journal at the end of the analysis segment of your paper in APA style. Briefly discuss the points of intersection between the article and your narrative in the analysis. Use 2 levels of headings for this paper:

4.​Read Carper’s article on the Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing located in the module for Week 1. Give examples of each of the patterns of knowing in your narrative.

5. ​The complete paper should be approximately 3-5 full pages. It should be in APA format with a title page, page numbers, references, headings, subheadings etc. It is worth 10 % of course grade.

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