Fundamental Aspects of Human Behavior Assignment

Prompt Your second course project is an observation journal. You have already gathered your advertisements and completed your comparison template to determine the social science approaches that are relevant to your ads. For this assignment you will use that information to write an observation journal that will ask you to draw conclusions from the ads and, eventually, devise a social science question that you might like to investigate. The critical elements of this assessment will be evaluated in your observation journal.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed and will be graded using the rubric at the end of this document:

I. Explain why you chose these advertisements for social scientific and personal study. For instance, what aspects of them intrigued you and made you curious?

Fundamental Aspects of Human Behavior Assignment – Solution

I chose these advertisements because I was familiar with the brands. When I am working on a project or an assignment, I like to choose something that I am familiar with. That way I have something that I can relate to and I won’t be completely clueless when it is time to finish my assignment. Another reason I chose these advertisements is because when I read the titles of the ads, I was interested in learning more about the ads. It’s almost like when you read the title of a book that you might want to read, so you look for the summary to learn more about the book.

II. Explain the assumptions and observations about human interactions and behaviors you made about the advertisements. These are some questions you might want to consider in your explanation:

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Fundamental Aspects of Human Behavior Assignment – Solution

The first ad I chose was Garnier: Hide Yesterday. The first time I read the title I thought the ad was going to be totally different then what it was. I thought it would be directed more towards a woman instead of a man. I believe this ad and one of the other ads I chose which is Revlon: Charlie are directed towards men. The first time I read the title for the Revlon: Charlie ad I assumed it was going to be totally different. Something else I thought when I first saw the Revlon: Charlie ad is that I thought the ad was sexually motivated. That is where the old saying would come in, “You should never judge a book by its cover.

The other two advertisements I chose are directed towards women. I chose Infusium: 23 Hair Products and L’Oreal: The Waterproof Experience. When I looked at the Infusium: 23 Hair Products ad I never thought they would have a woman’s butt exposed. I believe that they made women look bad in the ad. When I first watched the L’Oreal: The Waterproof Experience video I was wondering why the ad was only directed towards younger women. Why isn’t there more diversity in the ad? You think the ad would be directed towards women of all ages. The Infusium ad and the L’Oreal ad both relate to women because the topics are about hair and makeup.

a. Who do you believe the audiences for the ads might be?

b. What messages do you think the ads are sending? c. What do you think the nature of the relationship is between or among the people in the ads? d. What relationship(s) do you see between or among the people and the product or service being advertised? e. How effective are the ads in influencing your own consumer decisions?

III. Identify topics in this course that are relevant to the human behaviors in your advertisements and explain how they are relevant. This is your social science evidence for your observations. For instance, what ideas and people have you studied so far that apply to your observations?

Fundamental Aspects of Human Behavior Assignment – Solution

I believe that an explicit bias is used in each one of the ads. The people who made these ads knew what they were doing when they chose the people for the ads. I don’t understand why these ads don’t have more diversity. I believe the people who made these ads are biased towards white people. I will never understand why people are so biased against gender and race. I don’t want to get too deep here but we were all made in the image of God. We are all equal and no one has the right to judge anyone.

IV. Taking all of your observations and objective conclusions about human behavior in your advertisements into account, assume the role of a social scientist. What question would you ask about the advertisements that you, as a social scientist, could seek to answer? What observations and objective conclusions lead you to this question?

Fundamental Aspects of Human Behavior Assignment – Solution

There are several questions that I would ask as a social scientist.

  • How do people of other nationalities view these ads that only represent white people?
  • Why do these ads separate men and women?
  • Why should anyone buy these products in the ads especially when the ads are race and gender biased?

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Supporting Work and Resources The observation journal is due in Learning Block 2-7. Throughout Theme 2, there are three opportunities to work directly on different elements of the observation journal.

1. In learning block 1-8, you submitted your comparison template. You will use this to create your observation journal. 2. In learning block 2-6, you participated in a discussion using the ads you chose in support of your summative work. You can use your answers from this

discussion when completing your observation journal. 3. In learning block 2-7, you will work to finalize your observation journal and submit it to your instructor for grading. This learning block also includes an

Observation Journal Checklist that you can use to ensure you have met all the requirements of this project. You can also review the Observation Journal Exemplar for guidance in how to complete this assignment. Your instructor is available to provide guidance and answer any questions you may have as you work to finalize your observation journal.

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This submission will contain your completed observation journal. Submit your observation journal as a Microsoft Word document.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Chose Meets “Proficient” criteria and details demonstrate insight into the connection between the social scientific and the personal

Explains why advertisements were chosen for social scientific and personal study

Explains why advertisements were chosen, but social scientific and personal connections are overly generalized

Does not explain why advertisements were chosen


Assumptions and Observations

Meets “Proficient” criteria and details demonstrate a mature awareness of human interactions and behaviors

Explains the assumptions and observations about human interactions and behaviors made about the ads

Explains the assumptions and observations about human interactions and behaviors made about the ads, but is overly generalized

Does not explain the assumptions and observations about human interactions and behaviors made about the ads


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Topics Meets “Proficient” criteria and connection between topics and ads shows a strong grasp of the social science evidence

Explains how topics from the course are relevant to the human behaviors in the ads

Explains how topics from the course are relevant to the human behaviors in the ads, but is overly generalized or has inaccuracies

Does not explain how topics from the course are relevant to the human behaviors in the ads


Question Meets “Proficient” criteria and connections between question, observations, and conclusions demonstrate insight into social scientific study

Poses a question a social scientist could seek to answer, supported by observations and conclusions about human behavior in the ads

Poses a question a social scientist could seek to answer, but lacks support from observations and conclusion about human behavior in the ads or is overly generalized

Does not pose a question a social scientist could seek to answer


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Articulation of Response

Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to- read format

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas