I don’t know how to handle this Philosophy question and need guidance.
Venn Diagram 1: On a separate page, draw a Venn diagram to test the following argument for validity questions 1-3 are about this diagram.
1)All Ethical police officers are Cops with nothing to hide. Some Cops with nothing to hide are not LAPD members. Therefore some LAPD members are not Ethical police officers.
What two regions are shaded for premise 1, All E are C ?
a)2 and 3
b)4 and 7
c)5 and 6
d)1 and 2
2)All Ethical police officers are Cops with nothing to hide. Some Cops with nothing to hide are not LAPD members. Therefore some LAPD members are not Ethical police officers.
Where is the X placed for premise 2, Some C are not L?
a)In area 4
b)In area 7
c)On the line between 6 and 7
d)On the line between 1 and 4
3)All Ethical police officers are Cops with nothing to hide. Some Cops with nothing to hide are not LAPD members. Therefore some LAPD members are not Ethical police officers.
The argument is …?
a)Invalid because x is on a line
b)Valid because x is in area 1
c)Valid because x is in area 4
d)Invalid because x is in area 7
Venn Diagram 2: On a separate page, draw a Venn diagram to test the following argument for validity questions 4-6 are about this diagram.
4)All Theists are People who base their beliefs on desires. No Skeptics are People
who base their beliefs on desires. Therefore, no Skeptics are Theists.
What two areas are shaded by premise 1, All T are P?
a)1 and 2
b)5 and 6
c)4 and 7
d)2 and 3
5)All Theists are People who base their beliefs on desires. No Skeptics are People
who base their beliefs on desires. Therefore, no Skeptics are Theists.
Which two areas are shaded in by premise 2, No S are P?
a)5 and 6
b)4 and 7
c)4 and 5
d)1 and 2
6)All Theists are People who base their beliefs on desires. No Skeptics are People
who base their beliefs on desires. Therefore, no Skeptics are Theists
The argument is…?
a)Invalid because 1 is unshaded
b)Valid because 1 and 2 are shaded
c)Invalid because 5 is unshaded
d)Valid because 2 and 5 are shaded
On a separate page, create a truth table to test the following argument for validity.
If jailing repeat offenders for long terms is good public policy, then it incarcerates only as long as the offender remains a threat. If it incarcerates only as long as the offender remains a threat, then reformed young men would not be wasting their days at taxpayer expense. Reformed young men are wasting their days at taxpayer expense. Therefore, jailing repeat offenders for long terms is not good public policy. Use the letters J, I, and R in your translation Questions 7- 9 refer to this truth table.
7) Inspect the truth table. On how many rows is both premise three true and the conclusion false?
8) What is the correct translation of premise 1?
a)J ⸧ I
b)R ⸧ J
c)I v J
d)I ⸧ ~R
9) The argument is …?
a)Invalid on rows 1 and 3
b)Invalid on rows 5 and 7
c)Invalid on all rows
Identify the form of the following argument (MP, MT, HS, or DS). Those without a specific form are invalid. For these select “invalid form.”
10) If all things work together for good, one should not regret the occurrence of tragic events. One should regret the occurrence of tragic events. Therefore, all things do not work together for good.
c)Invalid form
Identify the form of the following argument (MP, MT, HS, or DS). Those without a specific form are invalid. For these select “invalid form.”
11) If the original manuscripts of the New Testament no longer exist, then the claim that
the New Testament is inerrant in the original manuscripts is vacuous. If the
claim that the New Testament is inerrant in the original manuscripts is vacuous, then
fundamentalism is a seriously flawed position. Therefore, if the original manuscripts
of the New Testament no longer exist, then fundamentalism is a seriously flawed
b)Invalid form
Identify the form of the following argument (MP, MT, HS, or DS). Those without a specific form are invalid. For these select “invalid form.”
12) My psychic phone friend knows the future. For, she correctly predicted that I would meet an intriguing stranger, and if she knows the future she would indeed be able to make such a prediction correctly.
b)Invalid form
Is the following argument deductive or inductive?
13) Political beliefs are based either on careful reasoning or on uncritical sentiment. Therefore, if your political beliefs are not based on careful reasoning, they are based on uncritical sentiment.
Is the following argument deductive or inductive?
14)When someone gets cancer we do not punish them, we give them treatment. By analogy, since drug addiction is also a disease, drug addicts should be given treatment, not punishment.
Is the following argument deductive or inductive?
15) Pious souls will draw from early appearance and urgency of the prohibition of murder the conclusion that these ethical stirrings must have been implanted in us. Unfortunately, this argument proves even more for the opposite contention. So powerful a prohibition can only be directed against an equally powerful impulse. What no human soul desires there is no need to prohibit. The very emphasis of the commandment Thou shalt not kill makes it certain that we spring from an endless ancestry of murderers, with whom the lust for killing is in the blood…. (Sigmund Freud)
Is the following argument deductive or inductive?
16) It seems that the will of God is changeable. For the Lord says (Gen. Vi. 7) I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the ground, man and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry I have made them. But whoever is sorry for what they have done has a changeable will. Therefore, God has a changeable will. (Thomas Aquinas)
Is the following argument deductive or inductive?
17) A majority of members of the subgroup who took cannibitrol reported less pain, while only one third of members of the subgroup who took the placebo reported less pain. Therefore, it is probable that cannibitrol is an effective pain reliever.
18)Inductive conclusions follow with some degree of:
19) If the conclusion of an inductive argument is not very probable, the argument is:
20)A valid deductive argument with a false premise is: