Multicultural Applications of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
The purpose of this article is to discuss the need for greater attention to cultural influences and minority cultures in the field of cognitive-behavior therapy. Ethnic minority cultures and concerns are emphasized, although consideration is also given to a range of cultural influences including age, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, and disability. The strengths […]
Review the collateral information of Case Scenario 2. In the Assessment Data section, review the raw data of the IORNS. Appropriately interpret the scores. Based on your review of Therapeutic Risk Typologies, provide a recommendations report for parole.
Prompt: Review the collateral information of Case Scenario 1. In the Assessment Data section, review the raw data of the MMPI-2. Appropriately interpret the scores. Based on your review of Therapeutic Risk Typologies, provide a one- to two-page recommendations report for child protective services. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Mental Health/Diminished […]
Important Qualities And Skills For Academic And Vocational Success
Important Qualities And Skills For Academic And Vocational Success What qualities and skills do you think are important for academic and vocational success? How many of those qualities and skill are assessed by traditional intelligence tests? What advice would you give to parents and teachers who want to nurture creativity and special talents with children? […]
The Evolution of Greek Sculpture
The sculpture of ancient Greece from 800 to 300 BCE took inspiration from Egyptian and Near Eastern monumental art, and evolved into a uniquely Greek vision of the art form. Greek artists captured the human form in a way never before seen where sculptors were particularly concerned with proportion, poise, and the idealised perfection of […]
Discuss Informatics and Nursing Opportunities and Challenges
INFORMATICS INTRODUCTION What is informatics? Isn’t it just about comput- ers? Taking care of patients is nursing’s primary concern, not thinking about computers! It is com- mon for some nurses to have these thoughts. Transitions are always difficult, and a transition to using more technology in managing information is no exception. The use of information […]